Team ISE - Electronic Release Package

The following table of contents link to every electronic resource produced by Team ISE throughout our year long Senior Project.  You will find all the source code, documentation and installation files that we have produced.  You will also find much of this work maintained on the Team ISE Website.

Overall Reference Index

  1. Project Documents This link will take you to a menu of the documents that were created throughout the year long Senior Project.
  2. User Documentation  This link will take you to a menu of the documentation created to instruct users and developers on the various tools created by Team ISE.
  3. Source Code  This link will take you to a menu of links where you will find PDF documents containing all source code written by the team.  At this link you will also find installation packages for each tool the team created.
  4. Reference Links  This link will NOT take you to anything created by the team (besides the ISE Website), but rather to links used by the team throughout the course.  One important link will connect you to a download for Microsoft .NET.  If you don't already have this installed, you will need to do this so that you can run the Manipulator.

Project Documents:

These are all of the various documents created by Team ISE over the last year to define our project from initial concept and specification through to design, implementation and testing.


  1. Project Proposal
  2. Initial Requirements
  3. System Architecture
  4. Overview Presentation
  5. Requirements Specification
  6. Design Specification
  7. Design Presentation
  8. Test Plan
  9. Final Presentation
  10. Research Paper  
  11. Final Printed Release
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User Documentation

These are all of the various documents that explain how to use, install and modify the programs that were produced by Team ISE.


  1. ISE Production Code Reference   This link will direct you to the reference pages for the ISE class.
  2. ISE man pages This link will direct you to the man pages for the ISE class.
  3. Manipulator User Manual This link will direct you to the Manipulator user manual.
  4. Manipulator User Tutorial This link will direct you to the Manipulator user tutorial.
  5. ISE Website  This will connect you to the ISE Website.  The website is self-documented.
  6. Developer's Manual  This link will connect you to the ISE Developer's Manual.
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Source Code

Below you will find links to both the source code and the installation facilities for the programs generated by Team ISE.

Documents in PDF format:

  1. ISE Production Source Code  This will open a PDF file containing the ISE class file source code.
  2. Manipulator Source Code  This will open a PDF file containing the Manipulator source code.
  3. ISE Website Source Code  This will open a PDF file containing the Website HTML.

Installation Code to download:

The following links will direct you to unzip to a specified location.  These ZIP packages contain all necessary files used to run the particular application.

  1. ISE Production Code Installation Zip  This is a ZIP package intended for installation on a Unix system.  The folder contains a Readme file that contains all the instructions you need to install and use the ISE Production Code.  The code itself runs on any system, however the makefile that is included is designed specifically for a Unix system.
  2. Manipulator Installation Zip  This is a ZIP package intended for installation on a Windows system.  Once the package is extracted to a folder that you specify, you can install the Manipulator by running the "ISEManipulator107.msi" file -- double click on the file in a browser.
  3. Manipulator Solutions Files  This is a ZIP package that includes the project files for all parts of the manipulator which consists of the manipulator project itself (in C#), the project files for the manipulator installer, as well as the code for the C++ auto run program.  The main project file for everthing related to the Manipulator is called "JPEG Manipulator.snl", which is a Visual Studio .NET 2003 solution file.
  4. ISE Production Code Drivers and Test Scripts Zip  This is a ZIP package intended for installation on a Unix system.  The package contains a Readme file and an overall test script as well as all of the necessary code, makefiles and individual test scripts.  There are also several folders with images that the scripts will use in running their tests.  These are images that we created ourselves so that there would be no copyright issues.  You can add additional images if you like by downloading them into the appropriate folder.  The test script will use any images found in these folders.  As with the ISE Production Code Installation ZIP, the code itself will run on any system, however the makefile that is included is designed specifically for a Unix system.
  5. ISE Website Code Zip  This is a ZIP package containing all of the validated html 4.01 Transitional code, all necessary images, the message board code and the javascript code used to make the menu bar.  We did not write any part of the message board code and this should not be graded.  The message board cannot be run locally.  It needs a configured MySQL database which is not included in this package.  However, you are welcome to visit the website to run the message board.  Additionally, the menu bar was created with a program called Xsara Menu Maker.  This tool automatically generated the javascript files that create the menu bar.  These files should not be graded.  A Readme file is located in the top level of the directory created when this file is unzipped.  The Readme file will give you information on the various items contained in the ZIP file.
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Reference Links

These are helpful links that we used in our research.  We cannot guarantee that all will continue to work into the future but as of this date, they are working and provide valuable insight into the various aspects of selective encryption.


  1. Sponsors Website
  2. Independent JPEG Group
  3. Rijndael AES Website
  4. Microsoft .Net Download (Version 1.1)
  5. University of Colorado
  6. University of Colorado Department of Computer Science
  7. University of Colorado Department of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications
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Copyright © 2004  [Team ISE]. All rights reserved.
Revised: May 2 , 2004 .