Privacy Policy

Updated:     July 31st, 2019

Version:     1.0.190731

0. Introduction To Our Privacy Policy:

As a user of our systems, your personal privacy is very important to us. We make every effort to ensure the personal information stored within our systems is protected and safe. This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for 'Team ISE' website, herein referred to as 'The Company', 'we', and 'us', for our website found at: This privacy notice applies solely to any and all information collected by this website, except in cases where stated otherwise. The purpose of this notice is to provide you with the following information:

        1. What Information We Collect
        2. What Information We Share
        3. Which Entities We Share Information With
        4. How This Information Is Secured
        5. How Privacy Policy Changes Are Communicated
        6. Notification of Data Breach
        7. Our Strict User Opt-In Policy
        8. Recommendations For Using Our Systems
        9. How To Report Misuse Of Personal Data
        10. Conformance to United States Legal Code
        11. Conformance to the European Union's GDPR
        12. How to Contact Us

We highly recommend you review this policy and understand the items outlined within this notice. We provide our recommendations about how to use our systems safely and securely to maximize your personal privacy and user account security.

1. Information We Collect:

The Company limits the information and data we collect and use from users of our system. We only gather data on a need-to-know basis, in order to provide better service to our customers. As users use our systems, we can become privy to the information about our users from a number of different methods:

        --   By users viewing our web pages and accessing our website,
        --   Through user actions taken when using our systems,
        --   By users downloading and installing our applications to local machines,
        --   By users utilizing our online services and other automated resources, and
        --   By storing information that users directly provide to us to utilize our services.

The data we collect in this manner consists of, but is not necessarily limited to, informational items such as:

        --   Statistical data about the systems, browsers, dates, times, and IP addresses of users accessing our website,
        --   Usage data about how users use our systems and which pages and resources are loaded,
        --   Statistical data about programs downloaded from our website,
        --   Usage data about our online services and other automated resources associated with user accounts,
        --   Customer data that our users manually input into our website and other applications, and
        --   User settings and preferences, usually associated with the user account.

When users are signed into their account, some of this data may be, but not necessarily, associated directly with their user account records. When users are not signed in to their account on our website, we may collect information about unique identifiers tied to the browser, application, IP address, and/or computer device that is being used to access our website or other online resources and services.

In some cases, we may use third party tools and services on our website or within our other applications, online resources, and services. In those rare cases, the third party may also collect and retain certain information about our users and their usage, which is separate from this policy and is actually covered under the third party's specific privacy policy. In these rare instances where we utilize resources from third parties, we only use resources and services from third parties that we deem extremely reputable and trustworthy, and that have a privacy policy similar to our own privacy policy.

2. Information We Share:

As of the date of posting this privacy policy, we DO NOT SHARE OR SELL ANY personally identifiable information to any third parties or other entities, except when explicitly specified. We understand the need for data privacy and we are 100% committed to making all reasonable efforts to protect user data stored within our systems. All personal data that we collect and retain is kept in the strictest of confidence. All user personal information is only privy to our employees, representatives, and/or contractors on a need-to-know basis.

Example #1: Sharing Personal Information with a Contractor:
If you were to place an order with us and we send you a package via a third party shipping service, technically we've shared your personal information (that you've provided to us) to the shipper of the package, who is a contractor to us. In that situation, we would only use a reputable shipping service to perform this task and we would only provide the minimal amount of information needed to complete the shipment to you. It is our intention to ONLY use the data you've provided to us on a need-to-know basis, and in those cases, only when expected or explicitly specified.

In some cases, we may share aggregated data and demographic information about users and system usage with our employees, partners, advertisers, investors, or to the general public. In these cases, although the information may contain aggregated user data, the data sets are not linked to any specific user accounts or individual person. We make every effort to ensure that aggregated user data cannot used to personally identify any individual person, or linked to any single user account, stored in our systems.

Example #2: Sharing Business Data with Investors:
As part of our reporting processes, we may provide periodic aggregated data figures about our customers, our projects, our service usage, and other demographic information necessary to communicate the status of our business to interested parties, such as our investors. In those cases, all personal information about individual customers will be removed, so that no one person or entity is personally identifiable from these aggregated datasets.

In very rare instances, we may share information provided by our users if such action is necessary to:

        1. Comply with federal or state legal regulations and processes,
        2. Defend and protect our own rights, interests, or properties,
        3. Enforce the terms and conditions of our systems, products, and/or services, OR
        4. Protect the interests of The Company, and its subsidiaries, representatives, members, or constituents.

In these rare cases that we do share personally identifiable information, we take the highest precautions to only share personally identifiable information to the extent required.

Example #3: Court Order to Provide Data About a Customer:
It is possible that we could receive a court order to provide customer data to another entity. In that situation, we would review the order and if it was legitimate and legal, we would be compelled by law to comply with the request. In that situation, we would take great care to only provide the minimal amount of data needed to comply with the order.

3. Entities We Share Information With:

As of the date of posting this privacy policy, we DO NOT SHARE OR SELL ANY personally identifiable information with any third parties or other entities, except when explicitly specified. We are 100% committed to making all reasonable efforts to protect user data stored in our systems. All data we collect and retain is kept in the strictest of confidence, and personal user information is only privy to our employees, representatives, and/or contractors on a need-to-know basis. In general, we make every effort to keep information sharing to a minimum to ensure your personal privacy.

4. How This Information Is Secured:

We make all reasonable and customary efforts to ensure user data and personal information is secured within our systems. In general, the following is a list of security measures we take to protect user data:

        1. All computer operating systems used in production are password protected,
        2. Some operating systems have encrypted hard drives,
        3. All products databases are password protected,
        4. In some cases, data store in the database deemed "extremely sensitive" is encrypted, and
        5. User passwords are hashed, so that they are not stored as plain text.

Ensuring user information is safe and secure in our computer systems is always one of the highest priorities for us. We do our best to make our systems "Secure By-Design" by attempting to consider and mitigate known computer security issues at the time of building our systems.

5. How Privacy Policy Changes Are Communicated:

We reserve the right to update or modify this privacy policy at any time, with or without advance notice. In general, our most current privacy policy can be found at this page, which is our main "Privacy Policy" page. If you are opted-in to our email service, then you will receive an email from us every time our privacy policy is updated. We highly recommend to opt-in to our email service to ensure you stay up to date on our privacy policy changes and other business information and updates.

6. Notification of Data Breach:

In the event that we detect, or otherwise determine, that our user data has been breached or compromised, we will make every to notify the users of the information of the known, or otherwise suspected, to have been breached. Additionally, we will notify the general public of such a security breach in a public press release explaining the general details of the event. If you have reason to believe that your account, your user data, and/or our systems have been compromised, we strongly recommend you contact us as soon as possible to let us know about any such event.

7. Our Strict User Opt-In Policy:

It is our policy to enforce a strict opt-in only policy. This means that users must choose to opt-in to our business communications and product informational notifications. Your user account page for this website will provide information about how to opt-in to our communication services.

8. Recommendations For Using Our Systems:

As a user of our computer systems, we have a number of recommendations about how to best use our systems, to ensure that your data is safe and secure. We recommend that all users take the following actions:

        1. Never Give Out Your User Passwords to Other People,
        2. Always Keep User Passwords in a Hidden, Safe, and Secure Location,
        3. Always Create a New and Different Password for Every Website or User Account, and
        4. Always Make Passwords as Strong as Possible,

In addition, the following is our recommendations for creating user passwords on our computer systems, if applicable:

        1. Always Make Passwords AT LEAST 10 Characters or Longer,
        2. Always Use a Combination of Upper-Case, Lower-Case, Special, and Numeric Characters
        3. Do Not Use a Word, or Combination of Words, that is Easy to Guess,
        4. Never Reuse a Password that You've Used on Another Account,
        5. Never Give Out Your User Password to Other People, and
        6. Always Keep Written and Digital Backups of Passwords in a Secure Location.

Ensuring that your personal data stored within our systems is a two-way street. If you follow the above recommendations for user accounts on our systems, you can greatly reduce the chance of your user account being compromised, accidentally or otherwise. Together we can ensure that your personal data is safe and secure on our computer systems!

9. How To Report Misuse Of Personal Data:

If you have reason to believe that your account, your user data, and/or our systems have been compromised, we strongly recommend you contact us as soon as possible to let us know about any such event. You can contact us using the contact information below.

10. Conformance to United States Legal Code:

We make every effort to conform to and uphold the legal standards and requirements set forth by the State of Colorado and the United States of America. If you have specific questions about how this privacy policy applies to you, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to respond to your inquiry.

11. Conformance to the European Union's GDPR:

We make every effort to conform to and uphold the legal standards and requirements of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations), set forth on May 25th, 2018, by the European Union. If you have specific questions about how this privacy policy applies to the GDPR, please feel free to submit questions to contact us and we will do our best to respond to your inquiry.

12. How to Contact Us:

You can contact us by email at any time using the following address: admin {at} TeamISE {dot} org

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